Raycast Series
How to Use Raycast and How It Compares to Spotlight and Alfred
Raycast compared to Spotlight and Alfred.
Some very basics of Raycast in the first in a series of articles on Raycast.
Raycast Clipboard History
Raycast comes with a basic, easy to use, and well designed Clipboard History feature.
Default Browser Switching
Sometimes it's nice to have apps automatically open links in a different browser, which is why the ability to quickly change default browsers is handy.
Raycast Script Command for Text Parsing
Raycast script commands are great for all kinds of scripted tasks, and I'm increasingly using them for tasks related to my website.
Image Search Text Recognition in Raycast and ScreenFloat
Raycast and ScreenFloat both contain some pretty amazing search features that use text recognition to find matching text in images.
Will ChatGPT Desktop Sherlock Raycast AI for Me?
Is OpenAI trying to Sherlock Raycast AI with its new macOS desktop app? Maybe.
Raycast AI Commands
One advantage of Raycast AI is its AI Commands functionality.
ChatGPT for macOS Will Not Sherlock Raycast AI for Me
The answer to my own question about ChatGPT for macOS supplanting Raycast Advanced AI is a simple one.
Raycast Script Command for Image Link Transformation
It's Yet Another Raycast Script Command, this time one for tranforming blog post image links to match image file locations in Astro.
Automating Sessions With Raycast Script Commands
Using Raycast script commands to automate workflow sessions.
Updated Sessions Raycast Script Command
A version of my Sessions Raycast script command using Moom layouts instead of Raycast Window Management layouts.
Raycast Extensions I Use
Raycast has extensions, and I use some of them. Here they are!
Mail Weekly Reads Script Command
I created a Raycast Script Command to take the contents of my latest Reads post, reformat it, and mail it to unsuspecting family members.
The Notey McNoteness of Raycast Notes
Raycast Notes is a great context-based scratchpad that verges on having slightly too many features.
Cool Site Spotlight Raycast Script Command
Using Raycast script commands to automate updating my Cool Site Spotlight.