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Now (or Recently)

The "now page" concept comes from an idea by Derek Sivers to have people communicate what they're focused on now at this point in their lives.


Podcast episodes without links are members-only but I think are interesting enough to post in case you want to investigate them.


Don’t be surprised when the book list stays constant for awhile. Reading time is harder to come by these days. 😞

Chasing Shadows Just started it... the story of Citizen Lab, the world's foremost digital watchdog. Liked It Fluke The Silo Series Collection


To Live and Die in L.A. 1985 • William Friedkin • Not as good as I remembered. Everyone in this is evil, or an idiot. I didn't buy the transformation of John Vukovich. He didn't earn it. Dafoe is stellar, of course. Decent The Princess Bride 1987 • Rob Reiner • A multiple rewatch, of course, but one of the greatest movies ever. So many classic lines and characters. Loved It! Small Things Like these Cold Blood

TV Shows

Vietnam: The War That Changed America 2025 Overall, very well done - depressing, uplifting, maddening, inspiring, and insightful either way. I think some of the things chosen to focus on were a bit off, but mostly they nailed it. Liked It Senna 2024 Senna's story is compelling but this series failed to capture Fl racing in a realistic way. Don't recommend for anyone who actually knows Fl or the Senna story already. Didn't Like It Surviving Black Hawk Down Everyone knows the Black Hawk Down story - here are some people who were there. A good documentary, with views from all sides. It was two terrible days that never should have happened. Loved It! Mr Inbetween 2018 Finished all 3 seasons, and apparently | HAD watched the whole thing. But it's good enough to watch again. And probably again. Great show! Loved It!

Food and Drink