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I write about computing related topics. You can search or browse this site. Most of what I write about here is Mac or web related. Here is what I'm up to now, and here is what I use.

Latest Posts

Raycast Script Command for Image Link Transformation

It's Yet Another Raycast Script Command, this time one for tranforming blog post image links to match image file locations in Astro.

Remarking the Socials

How I learned to paste links into my blog and have them magically converted into amazing embeds.

I Do It for Myself

Why do I blog? Definitely not for the numbers.

Redo, Redoes, Redid

Today I am launching a refreshed, cleaner, sleeker site design!

Astro Sitemap Page Modified Timestamps

I was asked a question on Threads about how to apply my Last Modified Dates using Git pre-commit to Astro's Sitemap integration.