Astro 3.3 Picture Component
Astro 3.3 dramatically improves the Astro image optimization story once again.
Astro 3 and Responsive Images
Astro 3 required me to rethink my site image optimization strategy yet again. Am I finally done? Probably not.
Named CSS Grid Template Areas
CSS Grid template areas allow for quick grid layout and layout changes.
Astro Markdown Image Story
Astro's in a good place - native markdown image optimization is coming, and there is already an excellent third-party option for those who need it now.
Dimensions Are a Nightmare
Responsive Image handling still has some problems, at least to my knowledge.
Astro Remark Eleventy Image
Christian Ohanaja's Astro Remark Eleventy Image plugin.
Podcast Episode Image Script
The optimized image generation step in my podcast show notes image workflow.
Picture Element Sizes Attribute
A deeper look at controlling image display sizes with the picture element's sizes attribute.
Reponsive Image Rabbit Hole – Part 3
Some science experiments with Astro Image to show how it and responsive images in general work.
Reponsive Image Rabbit Hole – Part 2
Using automation, specifically Astro Image, to give the browser image options.
Reponsive Image Rabbit Hole – Part 1
I learned about responsive images the hard way, by misunderstanding how they worked.